Psychic Medium

Healing Powers
I have always been a very spiritual person; I believe that the universe has a way of guiding us forward through our lives with the help of spirits and angels. I was blessed with the gift of being able to connect with the outside world, and love having the opportunity to connect my clients with their own universal current. My focus is to bring forth awareness and healing through love, and to teach others how to open up their own spiritual potential.

What They’re Saying
Thank you so much TT! Truly appreciate your mediumship and you were very spot on about how we began talking again. I was very guarded at first! As for the cats- they visit me randomly at home, saw a black cat on camera crossing the front of my door at 3am this morning lol. They come and go for reasons and their timing is always right. Love that you caught that! Thank you again!!!
Jamie Bassett
Thank you love so insightful!!!! Definitely coming back for another reading. You put the nail in the coffin for me. No longer dealing with him. Thanks girl!!!
Sarah Lee
Absolutely perfect TT. Thank you. You confirmed he is indeed an important counterpart in my life in that big life lessons for me have been learned. He continue to struggle in them while I shine. Sorry you had to see all that, but thank you for the confirmation! It made me feel so strong.
Nargo Zot

45 min
222 US dollars1 hr 20 min
333 US dollars

Talk Taurus Tarot